
Wherever life takes you, take it with you.

East and North Photography is all about capturing the journey of life. You might find yourself face to face with natural wonders, celebrating a milestone in life, connecting with another person, or looking at things from a new perspective. Regardless of the path you travelled, it is a wonderful experience to relive the moments that lead you here, as well as to dream about what is out there yet to be discovered.



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Corey Schmogrow is a photographer based near Cincinnati, Ohio. He is inspired by the great outdoors, the beauty and genuineness found in others, the open road, and the unknown; but greatest of all his muses is the night sky. His work is heavily influenced by the romantic era of sci-fi, as well as impressionist and surrealist art. He loves when a photograph gives a sense of wonder and immersion, and hopes to give everyone their place in a picture. You can usually find him out exploring on a hike, at a concert, playing sports, or lost in a daydream. Would you like an awesome portrait in a natural setting? Do you have a business inquiry or any other questions? Want to follow Corey on his journeys? Feel free to connect with Corey at the social media platforms or email address below.